Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Suddenly I have a LARGE family!

I say this jokingly. I have 2 children and one on the way. This, to me, does not constitute a large family.

But... believe it or not, where I live. In my circle of friends and family... this is huge!
I knew this before I got pregnant this time. That we were about to step out of the 'acceptable range of family size' according to practically everyone we know.

They all have 2 children. I will have 3. That doesn't seem like a big difference to me, but to them it is unbelievable.

Ok, there is one family in my church who were expecting their third baby when we first started coming there. They are the Youth pastor and his wife. They made very sure to explain to everyone that number 3 was not planned, she was an accident.

It is understood among the people we know, that if you have more than two children, you are either irresponsible, or you must have had an accident. (We did not have an accident!)

I know that we are considered irresponsible. Especially in light of the fact that we probably have one of the lowest incomes of anyone we know or are friends with. This is mainly due to the fact that we have been through several layoffs in our years since college and because we choose for me to stay at home with the kids. I seriously dreaded telling people of this pregnancy. Family too, they weren't even thrilled when we announced our second baby!

The best part is this... I don't even think we are done!! I don't really know for sure, but I know I already feel open to more. I think God is turning our hearts toward that end. We are very very careful not to put a limit on His blessing.
Out of about 13 couples in our class at church, I think there are only maybe 2 or 3 who haven't already had a surgery to stop from having more children.
That makes me sad.

An old friend and mentor who was about to have his second daughter any day called me up to say that I was "popping them out like puppies" and that the average number of children for a family to have now is One, and that we are very out of the ordinary for having so many.

I recently reconnected with an old friend via Facebook. (love it) I was so excited to talk to her and find out that she has 3 children and wants more! She says that in her church 6 or 7 children is normal! Maybe we should move there! And she homeschools! I only have one friend currently who homeschools and she just moved away.
Anway, for the last several months... since I reconnected with her, she has been ttc with much trouble oddly enough. Today she announced excitedly that she is pregnant with her fourth baby!!! I am so happy for her!!! I am also just happy that there are other women out there who think that children are a blessing, even more than two!


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