Everyone knows that the first few weeks after having a baby is survival time! You are supposed to just focus on the bare minimum. Just get throught the days and nights as best you can, not worrying so much about the household chores, but getting done what you can. Well, it is time to re-join reality. This house is in dire need of some help. The laundry has piled up. I have been keeping the kitchen clean, but there seems to be a race each day to see how many dishes we can dirty. We are going to have to stop shopping for only 2 or 3 meals at a time soon, and then there are all those New Years resolutions that I have been putting off starting.
The plan is that I will begin my new year 6 weeks after the baby got here. I am anxious to get started of course, just don't know how much I should really tackle this year. I want to really stick with the resolutions this time. The pregnancy sort of derailed my resolutions last year. (When one is sick 24 hours a day for about 5 months, one tends to ditch all pursuits other than existing) I have several areas in my life that need work.
They fit into these categories-
Chores - I need to make a cleaning schedule and also include chores the kids can help with.
Excercise- The biggie, I plan to start running this year. The hope is to go every morning before anyone is up and build up to 2 or 3 miles a day.
Prayer/Devotional time- Have begun the Bible reading plan for the year, but we really need to get a consistant family devotional time going and I need a regular quiet time of my own.
Intentional Planned activities with the kids- planned fun games and crafts, and learning times. Also later this year we will begin home-schooling. Need to start preparing for that.
Household stuff- Meal plans, and budgets.
The Daily Do- Something to do consistantly (maybe not daily) that is fun and that I can blog about. I am thinking of doing Bible story illustrations and then make a book of them for the kids at the end of the year.
It's alot. I know. I probably should only tackle a tiny baby step in each area at first. We shall see. I will update about these goals soon, letting you know how I will be attempting to accomplish them. Take care!
I am looking forward to watching you do this. I have one kid and have to be VERY organized to get that done and it does not always happen. Oh... I am a new follower. Please come follow back if you would like. I am doing some great giveaways right now (ipod nano and itunes giftcard) and have some great ones coming up! Nice to meet you!