TV or No TV?
In the past few years we have had our ups and downs in this household and along with the layoff/beginning a new job cycle has been a cycle of having our Direct TV suspended and reinstated several times. During the times when we have no TV we borrow movies from the libarary... watch tv shows on Hulu... and since the addition of an Xbox 360 back in December we have also watched Netflix directly on our tv. So we stay entertained.
I go back and forth in my head about whether we should have any television at all. I know that we can do without. I know that keeping things simple around here is in everyone's best interest and tv complicates things even if only a little. So it is probably best not to have it. (and save money) By the way, when we do not have our satelite turned on, we get zero stations.
However... It is the beginning of summer. We have watched everything on Netflix instant watch a dozen times (the kids stuff anyway) The movies at the library will be slim pickin's now that all the other kids are out for the summer. (and because our library made it possible to checkout 10 dvd's per card so now they stay wiped out) and well.. I like having tv.
So this weekend, I let hubby know that I was thinking of having it turned back on. There is just something about having tv that makes me feel like we aren't on the edge anymore, but getting back on our feet. There are two levels of tv in our house though... lately we stick with the lower of the two levels.
This package of stations only includes kids channels, the Food network, HGTV and Weather channel (also Hallmark and Science channel) it only runs about half the cost of the "lowest package available" at Direct TV. Yeah. I know I just contradicted myself. That is because the folks at Direct TV are liars.
If you call them and ask them (or look it up on their site) what their cheapest package is, they will lie and tell you the one that is twice as much. Only if you know about this one ahead of time can you request it.
It's like knowing that you can order Pintos and Cheese at Taco Bell, though it isn't on the menu.
Yeah, just like that.
Anyway, Hubby got the satelite back on for me last night as like a gift kinda thing. Today I will begin the fight to limit the kids tv time. If it ends up being more trouble than it's worth we may have it turned off again.
In the meantime, I will be enjoying the Disney Channel, HGTV and Food Network. I hope they have some good shows for the summer. I already plan on probably having it turned off again in the fall when we begin homeschool and maybe making it a regular summer thing to have it back on again.
Oh by the way... I don't hate you Direct TV even though you lie... I really appreciate the fact that we can call anytime and suspend our deal until further notice. Thanks for that!