Friday, August 6, 2010

The Simple Life

Our preacher is doing a series of sermons on 'Living the Simple Life'. I was sitting in church the day he announced the name of the series which he would be focusing on all summer. The moment I heard the title I was excited and anxious to hear everything he had to say on the subject.
It is my desire, always, to live simply. To focus on the important things and let the rest go.

The sad part of the story is this. In my busy-ness I have missed all but one part of the sermon series. I was happy to find that each of the sermons are available to listen to online... but still have yet to sit and listen to them.

I guess I really need to hear them since my life is so complicated I can't even find the time to hear about how it needs to be simple.

As I am fast approaching two milestones in my year 1. My Birthday and 2. The beginning of my first year of homeschooling.... I have had many resolutions floating around in my brain.

Two I am beginning today.

1. Drink Tea... Sounds silly but I needed a healthy substitute for all of the unhealthy drinks I have been consuming. For 7 months now I have been nursing a baby and have been thirsty 24/7. I have mostly consumed various caffeine free sodas each day and gallons of chocolate milk with cappuccino flavoring.
Today I am going go begin an attempt to substitute hot decaff tea with honey and lemon to keep my mind off sodas etc.

2. I started a new quiet time in the morning. I should always be doing a daily quiet time but I am terrible at keeping it going. I am starting again again.

There are many more... mostly to do with our scheduling and making this house run more efficiently. (generally it is a train wreck)
So, more resolutions to come!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know he posted his sermons online. I will probably look into that.

    you should try the tea without any sweetener occasionally. once you get use to it it's very tasty and then you have a completely guilt-free beverage. it's much easier to get use to than cold unsweet tea or black coffee.



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