Friday, July 23, 2010

Scaredy Cat!

Today's post is about something I have been thinking about very much lately. Confidence. You can call it courage or self-image or all sorts of things, but for my purposes today I will stick with 'Confidence'.

I recently stumbled upon a blog by a man who writes and advises people on being more confident. He calls himself 'The Confidence Guy'. This began to stir up a world of thoughts in my brain all about how we see ourselves and how that effects what we do.
You see, I have a few goals.
I have always played around with different goal ideas and earlier in life I could never settle on particular ones for long lengths of time before I would decide that something else would be more worthy of my energy. For a long while I thought I had a problem with finishing things. That isn't so much it after all, however. I don't have problems finishing what I start, only prioritizing things that are left up to me.
God, Family, Friends... these are priorities I am certain about. With these I have no problems. It is the list of goals I am free to come up with on my own that I had trouble settling on.
After having my son, and turning 30 I began to have a much clearer mindset on my goals and which ones I would like to accomplish. I think the reason for this is that I felt more confident and also that being a mom is very fulfilling to me and that took the pressure off of me to find some way to make my life feel more important.

Ok, so now I had chosen some goals that I was certain about. Now what?
Now I have some issues with achieving those goals that I didn't have before. I think much of the problem lies with confidence.

Maybe you, like myself, feel not so confident in some of your abilities. This doesn't mean you are a weak or meek person. I am very confident in my opinions, my value as Christian who was fearfully and wonderfully made by God and accepted by Him. I even have tons of confidence in certain talents that I have such as my art and quilting.

So what is the problem? Why is it that when begin to do anything that is part of a dream of mine, I start having difficulties?

Because my own brain begins whispering to me that what I am trying to do will fail.

Does your brain do that to you? Until I read a few articles by the Confidence Guy I never stopped and really paid attention to that little voice that was sabatoging my mission. I mean, I was aware of it, but not aware in a way that helps me be defensive against it.

Until now.

Watch out little voice, I'm on to you!

Next time: A simple excercise to boost your confidence and help you set some goals.

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