Hello everyone! I have been very busy this week doing two things. Reading tons of wonderful blog entries about subjects that are important to me like Homeschooling and Family and Babies and also Sewing lots of baby and toddler quilts! Above is one of the ones I have made to sell. I am getting a little better at taking more insteresting photos of them for the shop.
I also finally finished Noah's baby quilt! And here it is-

Along with the cutest baby on the block. I love this photo, it just brings me tons of joy. I think if I frame it and put it on my desk it will make me smile a million times. I'm so glad he decided to bestow that lovely grin while I was taking a pic of him with his quilt.
Oh, and that reminds me. We usually take photos of our babies every month on their One month day, Two month day and so on. We have done this with all three until this month! I was thinking his day was the eleventh and I was just waiting for his Five Month day to take the obligatory photo... then the eleventh came and hubby called from work to break the news when he realized... Noah's 5 month day was on the 4th! Ahhh... I was thinking of Allie's. Bummer. Turns out 3 kids is too much for my pitiful brain to keep up with.
Sorry Noah! lol. If it helps, I probably did take a photo of you that day, it just didn't have a homemade sign in it that said '5 month day'.
More news and quilt photos later!!!! Have a nice Sunday.