Thursday, April 14, 2011

The boy needed a haircut.

My youngest was in dire need of a haircut. I have had to trim his hair a little bit twice before. He is only 15 months old.

I was putting it off this time because now that he is a year, I figured we would be taking him for a 'real' haircut. However, it was also time for his big brother (5) to get a haircut and the last time we took him to a barber there was mass crying, moaning, and nashing of teeth. (The majority of the crying was by him and the rest was by the girl who cut his hair)

So I dreaded it.

And I put it off.

Till it looked like this...

Finally, I decided it wouldn't hurt to at least trim it until I could get him to a professional (I did my older son too, but I don't have an after pic yet)

Anyway, here is how it turned out.

Not too shabby I think.
Noah seems to like it, maybe that's why he is taking this opportunity to give me his best James Bond impression...


Noah, Grey.



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