Thursday, April 29, 2010

My baby girl turned 2!

My little girl turned 2 recently and I have been busy not blogging until now. So here are some recent pics of her. I entered her in the Parents Magazine cover contest with some of these shots not long ago. I know there are a million kids entered, but I also know that many people take bad photos which effects their chances. I looked through the other entrants and found photos of kids with food on their faces, blurry shots, pictures of them from 50 ft away, etc. Just based on the quality of the photos I think we have at least a shot of being in the finals. Not to mention I think she is a doll! Anyway, it was just for fun.
For all of you new readers I want to welcome you. I will be posting more often than I have been. Welcome and thanks for adding me to your list of blogs to read!
Next up. We have chosen our Homeschool curriculum and will beginning in the fall!!! Lots to say about that coming next time!!! Have a great day!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What I've been doing...

This is what I have been doing! Several weeks back, I discovered that all previous seasons of this show were available to watch online, so I watched the pilot episode. (Had never seen a single episode and miraculously have never heard anything about it either) I was hooked! I have been obssesed ever since! In the past month I have seen all 130 episodes of Lost and now I am caught up with the rest of the world waiting for the final episode which is only about 4 weeks away. I have never done anything like that before and I currently don't have any form of television accept for netflix on our Xbox 360 which the kids use to watch a few cartoons.
Now I am watching them all again with Hubby while he goes through more slowly. He just finished season 3 last night. It is really fun discussing it with him.
Now that I am not watching 2 or 3 a day I can blog again, so... I'm back!

More news later!


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